Sunricher DALI Switch
DALI Stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface and this Sunricher DALI 2 Lighting controller works with all DALI controllers in a DALI system. The switch works with the latest version of the DALI standard lighting and any products DALI and DALI-2 will work with this device.
This DALI 2 controller is a single channel DALI switch taking up one DALI address. It will switch your AC lighting products on/off rather than using AC DALI Dimming.
This DALI switch is rated up to 500w so can power mains products up to 5A
The DALI switch should be connected to the DALI BUS to receive the signal from the DALI control device, you can set the DALI address from the DALI Master or manually with the menu buttons and the digital display on the switch.
The connection to the DALI system is simple. All the input devices are connected together into the DALI BUS The DALI Master sends the control signal through the DALI wiring to each device which decodes the signal and controls your lighting.
Key Features:
Compatible with all DALI products
Manual or Automatic DALI Address Settings
Single Channel AC DALI Switch
Digital user Interface & Menu Buttons
Installation Guide: